For Your Inspiration

Here you will find different thoughts you may find useful making your way through the life:

  • Start your day with positive emotions. Wake up and thank Goddess and God (Universe, Higher Being or whatever you may want to call it) for this brand-new day. Do not just jump off the bed. Stretch your body, smile and think about the great possibilities this day can give you. /
  • You are a miracle of the finest creation. Did you ever just sit quietly and listen to your heart beating within your chest? Think about it a few minutes and think of the magnificent things going on inside you. /Hidden Universe/
  • Do not take this life as granted. Be thankful for the air you breathe, for the Sun that shines, for the people that surround you, for the possibilities you are given. /
  • Create and do not destroy. Let Nature go its way. You are a part of the Creative source that created you. Follow that chain and pay with the same. Create! /

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About the Author

I am a solitary wiccan from Bournemouth, Great Britain.